Pompey the Great. Click to go to the Home Page.

PAWS, the Portsmouth and Allied Wargames Society

A friendly wargaming club
in the home city of the Royal Navy
Portsmouth and Allied Wargames Society, Southsea Community Centre, St. Pauls Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire.

Old News Archive

2013 English DBA Open

The 2013 English DBA Open was held on Sunday October 20th.

The English DBA Open was again be sponsored by
The Society of Ancients
The Society of Ancients

and Magister Militum

October 2012

2012 English DBA Open

The 2012 English

DBA Open was held on Sunday October 21st (Trafalgar Day).

The English DBA Open was again be sponsored by
The Society of Ancients
The Society of Ancients

and Magister Militum

For a report on the 2012 competition, please click here.

December 2011

PAWS Winter DBA Event

10th December 2011

In 2003, we inaugurated a regular (now four times a year) themed DBA competition, open to all.

The third one of 2011 was held on September 24th , won by Robert Dowling.

The Junior winner was Findlay Schofield.

The next one would be on December 10th 2011, with a theme of
The Crusading World in the 12th Century (1101-1200) AD.

A list of allowed armies can be found by going to the wordpress blog

Further details for these DBA Events, including the dates for the other tournaments, can be seen on the DBA Event page (click here).

Although there is no need to pre-enter, if you are interested in coming along, please get in touch.

October 2011

2011 English DBA Open

The 2011 English DBA Open was held on Sunday October 24th.

It was again be sponsored by
The Society of Ancients
The Society of Ancients

and Magister Militum

For a report on the competition, please click here.

September 2011

PAWS Autumn DBA Event

24th September 2011

In 2003, we inaugurated a regular (now four times a year) themed DBA competition, open to all.

The second one of 2011 was held on June 11th , won by Duncan McCoshan.

The Junior winner was Rob Walker.

The next one would be on September 24th 2011, with a theme of
China and its Neighbours in the 10th century (901-1000) AD.

A list of allowed armies can be found by going to the wordpress blog

Further details for these DBA Events, including the dates for the other 2011 tournaments, can be seen on the DBA Event page (click here).

Although there is no need to pre-enter, if you are interested in coming along, please get in touch.

June 2011

PAWS Summer DBA Event

11th June 2011

In 2003, we inaugurated a regular (now four times a year) themed DBA competition, open to all.

The first one of 2011 was held on March 12th , won by Andrew Wilkinson.

The Junior winner was Finlay Schofield.

The next one would be on June 11th 2011, with a theme of
Eastern Mediterranean in the 4th Century BC (400-301) BC.

A list of allowed armies can be found by going to the wordpress blog

Further details for these DBA Events, including the dates for the other 2011 tournaments, can be seen on the DBA Event page (click here).

Although there is no need to pre-enter, if you are interested in coming along, please get in touch.

March 2011

PAWS Spring DBA Event

12th March 2011

In 2003, we inaugurated a regular (now four times a year) themed DBA competition, open to all.

The final one of 2010 was held on December 4th , won by Colin O'Shea.

The Junior winner was Rob Walker.

The next one would be on March 12th 2011, with a theme of
Armies and Enemies of Egypt in the 7th Century (700-601) BC.

A list of allowed armies can be found by going to the wordpress blog

Further details for these DBA Events, including the dates for the other 2011 tournaments, can be seen on the DBA Event page (click here).

Although there is no need to pre-enter, if you are interested in coming along, please get in touch.

December 2010

PAWS Winter DBA Event

4th December 2010

In 2003, we inaugurated a regular (now four times a year) themed DBA competition, open to all.

The third of 2010 was held on September 18th , won by Arnaud Marmier.

The Junior winner was Findlay Schofield.

The next one would be on December 4th 2010, with a theme of
Armies of the Americas in the 15th Century
(North & South America plus Hawaii, 1401-1500 AD).

A list of allowed armies can be found by going to the wordpress blog

Further details for these DBA Events, including the dates for the other tournaments, can be seen on the DBA Event page (click here).

Although there is no need to pre-enter, if you are interested in coming along, please get in touch.

October 2011

2010 English DBA Open

The 2010 English DBA Open was held on Sunday October 10th.

It will again be sponsored by
The Society of Ancients and Magister Militum

The Society of Ancients

For a report on the competition, please click here.

There was no "Six Nations" team tournament on the Saturday afternoon this year.

September 2010

PAWS Autumn DBA Event

18th September 2010

In 2003, we inaugurated a regular (now four times a year) themed DBA competition, open to all.

The second of 2010 was held on June 12th , won by Martin Smith.

The Junior winner was Rob Walker.

The next one would be on September 18th 2010, with a theme of Al Andalus and the Magrib in the 10th Century (Armies & enemies of Islamic Spain and North-West Africa, 901-1000 AD).

A list of allowed armies can be found by going to the wordpress blog

Further details for these DBA Events, including the dates for the other 2010 tournaments, can be seen on the DBA Event page (click here).

Although there is no need to pre-enter, if you are interested in coming along, please get in touch.

June 2010

PAWS Summer DBA Event

12th June 2010

In 2003, we inaugurated a regular (now four times a year) themed DBA competition, open to all.

The first of 2010 was held on March 13th , won by Lindon Paxton.

The Junior winner was James May.

The next one would be on June 12th 2010, with a theme of The Armies and Enemies of the Huns in the 5th Century AD.

A list of allowed armies can be found by going to the wordpress blog

Further details for these DBA Events, including the dates for the other 2010 tournaments, can be seen on the DBA Event page (click here).

Although there is no need to pre-enter, if you are interested in coming along, please get in touch.

March 2010

PAWS Spring DBA Event

13th March 2010

In 2003, we inaugurated a regular (now four times a year) themed DBA competition, open to all.

The last of 2009 was held on December 5th 2009, won by Luca Blasi.

The Junior winner was Justin Wilkinson.


The next one would be on March 13th 2010, with a theme of The Armies and Enemies of the Persians 600-501BC.

A list of allowed armies can be found by going to the wordpress blog

Further details for these DBA Events, including the dates for the other 2010 tournaments, can be seen on the DBA Event page (click here).

Although there is no need to pre-enter, if you are interested in coming along, please get in touch.

September 2009

PAWS Autumn DBA Event

26th September 2009

In 2003, we inaugurated a regular (now four times a year) themed DBA competition, open to all.

The June 2009 Event Winner. Click here to see more on the DBA Events.

The second of 2009 was held on June 13th 2009, won by Richard Pulley.

The Junior winner was James May.

The next one would be on September 26th 2009, with a theme of The Return of the "Romans": 10th Century Byzantium on the Ascendancy (901 — 1000 AD)).

Further details for these DBA Events, including the dates for the other 2009 tournaments, can be seen on the DBA Event page (click here or on the picture to the left).

Although there is no need to pre-enter, if you are interested in coming along, please get in touch.

In 2009 there will again be Senior and Junior prizes at the PAWS DBA events.

There will also be a special end of year prize for the Junior player making the best showing in the Senior playoffs over the whole of 2009.

2009 English DBA Open

The 2009 English DBA Open was held on Sunday October 18th.

This year's tournament was again sponsored by
The Society of Ancients and Magister Militum

The Society of Ancients

For a report on the competition, please click here.

June 2009

PAWS Summer DBA Event

13th June 2009

In 2003, we inaugurated a regular (now four times a year) themed DBA competition, open to all.

The March 2009 Event Winner. Click here to see more on the DBA Events.

The first of 2009 was held on March 7th 2009, won by Andrew Wilkinson.

The Junior winner was William Brooks.

The next one would be on June 13th 2009, with a theme of "Barbarotopia" Spain and Gaul in the 5th Century (401 - 500 AD).

Further details for these DBA Events, including the dates for the other 2009 tournaments, can be seen on the DBA Event page (click here or on the picture to the left).

Although there is no need to pre-enter, if you are interested in coming along, please get in touch.

In 2009 there will again be Senior and Junior prizes at the PAWS DBA events.

There will also be a special end of year prize for the Junior player making the best showing in the Senior playoffs over the whole of 2009.

March 2009

PAWS Spring DBA Event

7th March 2008

In 2003, we inaugurated a regular (now four times a year) themed DBA competition, open to all.

The December 2008 Event Winner. Click here to see more on the DBA Events.

The last of 2008 was held on December 6th 2008, won by Luca Blasi.

The Junior prize winner was Robert Dowling.

The first one of 2009 was to be on March 7th 2009, with a theme of "6th Century BC, Central Mediterranean and Adriatic Power Struggle" (600-501 BC).

Further details for these DBA Events, including the dates for the other 2009 tournaments, can be seen on the DBA Event page (click here or on the picture to the left).

Although there is no need to pre-enter, if you are interested in coming along, please get in touch.

In 2009 there will again be Senior and Junior prizes at the PAWS DBA events.

There will also be a special end of year prize for the Junior player making the best showing in the Senior playoffs over the whole of 2009.

December 2008

PAWS Winter DBA Event

6th December 2008

In 2003, we inaugurated a regular (now four times a year) themed DBA competition, open to all.

The September 2008 Event Winner.

The third of 2008 was held on September 27th 2008, won by Robert Dowling.

The Junior prize winner was Justin Wilkinson.

The final one of 2008 was to be on December 6th 2008, with a theme of "The France of Charles VII and Louis XII (1401-1500 AD)".

Further details for these DBA Events, including the dates for the other 2008 tournaments, can be seen on the DBA Event page (click here or on the picture to the left).

Although there is no need to pre-enter, if you are interested in coming along, please get in touch.

In 2008 there will again be Senior and Junior prizes at the PAWS DBA events.

There will also be a special end of year prize for the Junior player making the best showing in the Senior playoffs over the whole of 2008.

October 2008

2008 English DBA Open

The 2008 English DBA Open was held on Sunday October 19th.

Congratulations to 2008 English DBA Open winners Andrew Fisher (25mm), Martin Smith (15mm Seniors) and Robert Dowling (15mm Juniors).

For a view of the competition from one of our Italian entrants,
please click here (note this is in Italian).

The 2008 tournament is again sponsored by
The Society of Ancients and Magister Militum

The Society of Ancients
plus new sponsors Ancient and Modern Army Supplies.

September 2008

PAWS Autumn DBA Event

27th September 2008

In 2003, we inaugurated a regular (now four times a year) themed DBA competition, open to all.

The June 2008 Event Winner.

The second of these in 2008 was held on June 7th, won by Luca Blasi.

The Junior prize winner was Robert Dowling.

The Autumn DBA was to be on September 27th 2008, with a theme of "the Indian Sub—continent, Central and South—East Asia during the 9th Century (801 AD-—900 AD)".

Further details for these DBA Events, including the dates for the other 2008 tournaments, can be seen on the DBA Event page (click here).

Although there is no need to pre-enter, if you are interested in coming along, please get in touch.

In 2008 there will again be Senior and Junior prizes at the PAWS DBA events.

There will also be a special end of year prize for the Junior player making the best showing in the Senior playoffs over the whole of 2008.

June 2008

PAWS Summer DBA Event

7th June 2008

In 2003, we inaugurated a regular (now four times a year) themed DBA competition, open to all.

The March 2008 Event Winner. Click here to see more on the DBA Events.

The first of 2008 was held on June 7th, won by Andrew Wilkinson and the Junior prize winner was Robert Dowling.


This one had a theme of "Brennus' Day Out" (Armies and Enemies of the Galatians in the Third Century BC).

Further details for these DBA Events, including the dates for the other 2008 tournaments, can be seen on the DBA Event page (click here or on the picture to the left).

Although there is no need to pre-enter, if you are interested in coming along, please get in touch.

In 2008 there will again be Senior and Junior prizes at the PAWS DBA events.

There will also be a special end of year prize for the Junior player making the best showing in the Senior playoffs over the whole of 2008.

March 2008

PAWS Spring DBA Event

8th March 2008

In 2003, we inaugurated a regular (now four times a year) themed DBA competition, open to all.

The December 2007 Event Winner. Click here to see more on the DBA Events.

The final one of 2007 was held on December 8th , won by Bill MacGillivray.

The Junior prize winner was Robert Dowling, who also won the special end of year prize for the Junior player making the best showing in the Senior playoffs over the whole of 2007.

The Spring 2008 one was on March 8th , with a theme of "The Age of Sargon of Akkad, the King of Battles  - 2400—2301 BC".

Further details for these DBA Events, including the dates for the other 2008 tournaments, can be seen on the DBA Event page (click here or on the picture to the left).

Although there is no need to pre-enter, if you are interested in coming along, please get in touch.

December 2007

PAWS Winter DBA Event

8th December 2007

In 2003, we inaugurated a regular (now four times a year) themed DBA competition, open to all.

The September 2007 Event Winner. Click here to see more on the DBA Events.

The third of 2007 was held on September 29th, won by Martin Smith.

The Junior prize winner was William Brooks.

The winter one will be on December 8th 2007, with a theme of "Northern Europe in the 14th Century, 1301-1400 AD".

Further details for these DBA Events can be seen on a specially created page (click here or on the picture to the left).

If you are interested in coming along, please get in touch.

October 2007

2007 English DBA Open

The 2007 English DBA Open was held on Sunday October 14th.

The sponsors for this year's tournaments were

The Society of Ancients and Magister Militum.

          The Society of Ancients                       Magister Militum   

A report and pictures appear here.

August 2007

PAWS Autumn DBA Event

29th September 2007

The second of the 2007 PAWS DBA Events was held on June 9th 2007, won by Andrew Wilkinson.

The June 2007 Event Winner. Click here to see more on the DBA Events.


Making it a father & son double, the Junior prize winner was Justin Wilkinson.

The third event was held on September 29th 2007, with a theme of "Armies and Enemies of the Asian Caliphs 701-800 AD".

Further details for these DBA Events can be seen on a specially created page (click here or on the picture to the left).

May 2007

PAWS Summer DBA Event

9th June 2007

In 2003, we inaugurated a regular (now four times a year) themed DBA competition, open to all.

The March 2007 Event Winner. Click here to see more on the DBA Events.

The first of 2007 was held on March 10th, won by Lindon Paxton.



The Junior prize winner was Robert Dowling.

The second event of 2007 was held on June 9th , with a theme of "The Roman world in the 5th Century AD".

Further details for these DBA Events can be seen on a specially created page (click here or on the picture to the left).

January 2007

PAWS Spring DBA Event

10th March 2007

In 2003, we inaugurated a regular (now four times a year) themed DBA competition, open to all.

The December 2006 Event. Click here to see more on the DBA Events.

The last of 2006 of these was held on December 9th 2006, won by Andrew Wilkinson.

The Junior prize winner was William Brooks and the Beginners prize went to Tom Bulpett.


The first of the new year was on March 10th 2007, with a theme of "Armies of the Middle East in the 8th Century BC".

Further details for these DBA Events can be seen on a specially created page (click here or on the picture to the left).

If you are interested in coming along, please get in touch.

In 2007 there will again be Senior and Junior prizes at the PAWS DBA events.

There will also be a special end of year prize for the Junior player making the best showing in the Senior playoffs over the whole of 2007.

The 2006 Special prize was won by Aislinn Smith after a playoff against Justin Wilkinson.

October 2006

PAWS Winter DBA Event

9th December 2006

In 2003, we inaugurated a regular (now four times a year) themed DBA competition, open to all.

The December 2005 final. Click here to see more on the DBA Events.

The latest of these was held on September 23rd 2006, won by Andrew Wilkinson. The Junior prize was won by Aislinn Smith.

The Winter DBA Event was held on December 9th 2006, with a theme of "Armies and Enemies of The Middle Kingdom - 14th Century AD".

Further details for these DBA Events can be seen on a specially created page (click here or on the picture to the left).

If you are interested in coming along, please get in touch.

New for 2006. There will be Senior and Junior prizes at the PAWS DBA events.

There will also be a special end of year prize for the Junior player making the best showing in the Senior playoffs over the whole of 2006.

October 2006

English DBA Open 2006

15th October 2006

The fifth annual English DBA Open was held at Southsea Community Centre on 15th October.

25mm Early Crusaders against Ptolemaics. Click for more photos.

For a full list of winners, with some photos from the day, click here or on the photo above.

The tournament followed the established English DBA Open format, with 25mm, Senior 15mm and Junior 15mm competitions, and players may use any DBA army.

For pictures from last year's English DBA Open, click here or on the photo below.

15mm Persians against European Bronze Age Barbarians. Click for more photos.

This, the fourth annual English DBA Open was held at Farnborough on 25th September 2005.

Sponsored by

The Society of Ancients


15mm.co.uk from
Alternative Armies

SOA logo - click to go to the SOA website      15mm.co.uk - click for the website.
Alternative Armies - click for the website.

Please show your appreciation for our sponsors by visiting their websites.

25mm Competition prize sponsored by
Magister Militum - click for the website.

and a special prize for 14th/15th century armies from
The Lance & Longbow Society - click for the website.


For the most up to date information on this and future English DBA Open competitions, there is a Yahoo group at this link.

August 2006

PAWS Autumn DBA Event

23rd September 2006

The December 2005 final. Click here to see more on the DBA Events.

The latest PAWS DBA was held on June 10th 2006, won by Lindon Paxton. The Junior prize was won by Alex Keane.

New for 2006. There will be Senior and Junior prizes at the PAWS DBA events.

There will also be a special end of year prize for the Junior player making the best showing in the Senior playoffs over the whole of 2006.

June presentation. Click for a larger photo.

This photo shows Lindon (right) being presented with the Title Holder's trophy for his win.

The next one will be on September 23rd 2006, with a theme of "Southern Europe, North Africa, Anatolia and the Levant - 11th Century AD".

Further details for these DBA Events can be seen on a specially created page (click here or on the top picture above).

If you are interested in coming along, please get in touch.

April 2006

In 2003, we inaugurated a regular (now four times a year) themed DBA competition, open to all.

The first one of 2006 was held on March 11th, won (for the second time in a row) by Martin Smith. The Junior prize was won by Robert Dowling.

December presentation. Click for more photos.

This photo shows Martin being presented with the Title Holder's trophy for his first win in December.

The December 2005 final. Click here to see more on the DBA Events.

The second one of 2006 was scheduled for June, with a theme of "Parthia - 1st Century BC".

Further details for these DBA Events can be seen on a specially created page (click here or on the picture above).

If you are interested in coming along, please get in touch.

January 2006

As a New Year treat, click here for pictures from 2005's English DBA Open.

This, the fourth annual English DBA Open was held at Farnborough on 25th September.

15mm Persians against European Bronze Age Barbarians. Click for more photos.


25mm Grenadines against Medieval French. Click for more photos.

For information on future English DBA Open competitions, there is a Yahoo group at this link.

September 2005

In 2003, we inaugurated a regular (now four times a year) open DBA competition.

The Autumn 2005 competition was held on September 17th 2005, won by Alex Keane (winning the final by a walkover when the other semi-finalist, Matthew Bennett, had to leave early).

September semi-final. Click for larger picture.

This photo shows a moment of one of the September semi-finals.

Spanish v Romans from an earlier event. Click here to see more on the DBA Events.

For the Winter 2005 competiton Alex chose a theme of "Western Europe in the 15th Century".

Further details for these DBA Events can be seen on a specially created page (click here or on the picture above).

If you are interested in coming along, please get in touch.

September 2005

We have recently been researching the ECW Battle of Cheriton, and have produced a demonstration game of the battle.

Pictures of the game we put on at a recent charity model show can be seen by clicking here.

July 2005

The second DBA Event of 2005 was held on June 18th, with a theme of "Mesopotamia - the end of the Neo-Assyrian Empire" (C7th BC)".

This competition was won by Lindon Paxton after a thrilling final. The photo to the left shows Lindon being presented with the Title Holder's trophy by Adrian Webb, the winner of the March 2005 DBA Event.

More photos can be seen here.

Lindon being presented with the Title Holder's trophy by Adrian Webb - click for more photos.


May 2005

Pictures of another recent DBMM test, involving 15th Century Mexican armies, can be seen here.
Aztecs - click for more

April 2005

Ancient Iberian figures masquerading as Atrebates.

Some of us attended the Society of Ancients Battle Day 2005 in April, gaming Caesar's battle against the Belgae at the Sambre in 57BC (details here).

We organised a DBMM version alongside DBMM author Phil Barker. Pictures of this (and other games) can be seen by clicking here.

March 2005

I made a copy of Rob Smith's Magna Graecia campaign when it was on the University of Texas MHGS website. It now seems to have been deleted, so it is recreated here for the benefit of anyone who missed it first time round.

August 2003

This year, we have inaugurated a thrice yearly DBA competition. The second of these was held in July, and pictures from this DBA Event can be seen on a specially created page (click on the picture on the right).
DBA, Spanish v Romans. Click here to see more on the DBA Event.

November 2002

We have been doing a lot of DBA recently, inspired by the English DBA Open, which took place in Farnborough in September 2002.

It even inspired me to create this Early Egyptian chariot Pharaoh for the Early Egyptian army I used.
Pharaoh in chariot. Click here to see more images of this model.


You are in : Home > Previous News

This page, and all text and photographs on it, are copyright W G MacGillivray and other members of PAWS.
It was last updated on 5 October, 2014.
If you have any comments on this website, then please email paws_sec@yahoo.co.uk.

Portsmouth and Allied Wargames Society, Southsea Community Centre, St. Pauls Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire.